Congratulations to Christopher Magazzeni who has won a prestigious Industrial Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. Christopher's DPhil project is sponsored by Rolls Royce with underlying funding from EPSRC. He is examining microstructures near linear friction welds (LFWs) in Ti alloys and how this changes mechanicals properties. An important aspecto of this is understanding how the hghly localised and very marked changes in microstructure alter the response to cyclic loading. This joining technology is to be deployed for weight saving and performance benefits in critical jet engine components where knowledge of fatigue life times is crucial.
The Industrial Fellowship will allow Christopher to extend the scope of his work and examine some aspects of additive manufacturing (AM) routes for Ti alloy components. Intense localised temperature gradients are common in AM (as with LFW) and has marked effects on the microstructure and through this properties.