Dr Jicheng Gong





Dr Jicheng Gong

Department of Materials 
University of Oxford 
Parks Road 
Oxford, OX1 3PH, UK

Email: jicheng.gong@materials.ox.ac.uk
Tel: +44 1865 283483

Jicheng holds an EPSRC ECR Fellowhip to work on 'Fatigue Testing Beyond Extremes'.  This continues the innovative work he has been carryng out in the OMG developing a wide range of small scale mechanical testing methods such as micro-cantilevers and micro-pillars. 

He is now leading the development of state-of-the-art extremely small and fast fatigue testing techniques driven by ultrasonic actuation and applied to generate understanding of major fatigue issues in Ti and Ni alloys of technologically importance to the aero-engine industry.

ni fatigue crack2
